How to become an Instagram Influencer the right way

7 min readNov 29, 2020


Influencer marketing has been growing at an incredible rate since its inception in the world. Perhaps one of the reasons for this is that the factors that have influenced the decision to buy people from brands have changed.

To be given to them By a person with credibility and knowledge.

And today, this credibility and knowledge are seen in the form of social media influencers.

These days, a large percentage of people are constantly on social media and search the internet during the day, and sometimes to buy a product or use a service, they search social media many times to see what the costumers who have bought and used this product think.

Founder of Influencive digital magazine, Brain Evans says:

“Without us influencers, social media would die immediately. Most people are content savers. They share popular blogs, watch popular videos, and then republish them, receiving anything entertaining or useful and giving it to their audiences.

They preserve the content but in fact, none of them creates it”

However, gathering followers naturally and becoming an influencer on Instagram is not so easy. An influencer is an influential person and an Instagram influencer takes a lot of time and effort to become real.

You need to put in a lot of energy to get to the point where you are considered an Instagram influencer in a particular niche.

But if being an Instagram influencer is something you are really interested in and really willing to pay for, this guide can help you to get started.

In this article, we are going to tell you in detail what you need to do to become an Instagram influencer the right way and improve your level as an Instagram influencer.

How to become an Instagram influencer step by step

Do not forget that there are no shortcuts to be an Instagram influencer, you need some tips to take your Instagram game to the next level. Follow the 9 strategies I outline in this post and become the best Instagram Influencer in your favorite niche.

1.Find your favorite niche

To become an Instagram influencer, find a niche you’re passionate about and suit your personality in the first step.

When people come to your page, they want to know exactly where they are.

You need to be enthusiastic about it because, in addition to gaining good information and knowledge about it, you can well convey your passion to your audience.

The most important questions to ask your self to lead you to your niche including:

  • What am I most interested in?
  • What did I have more knowledge about?
  • In this niche, can I produce content for a long time?

Have an intimate and honest conversion with yourself and ask yourself, in the midst of all this, the niche and specialty, what niche do I really like to work in? Do I want to be a tester in the food industry, or do I prefer to get into skin and beauty and be a beauty influencer on Instagram?

In short, the first step is to know yourself and your knowledge and listen to yourself before you want to become an Instagram influencer and have others listen to you.

2.Create a top-notch Instagram bio

Once you have chosen your niche, you need to start building and setting up your Instagram account.

The first thing you need to focus on is to write an attractive bio, that catches your audience s attention. Your bio should tell your story in a way that encourages people to interest in you.

Remember, the Instagram bio is the first thing a potential follower or brand will see on your Instagram account. So if you want to become an Instagram influencer, you have to learn how to write an interesting Instagram bio.

Your bio should tell who are you, and what you like to share on your page.

There are a few things you should definitely include in your Instagram bio:

  • Your name and user name
  • Your website
  • Category
  • Contact information

3.Swich to the Instagram business account

An Instagram business account has some useful features for Instagram influencers such as:

  • Instagram insights
  • Instagram ads

With the information provided by Instagram insights(your follower demographics), you can find out:

  • What kind of posts do your followers like the most?
  • What is the best time to post?
  • Where are your followers located?

Follower demographics are crucial when it comes to pitching to brands for collaboration. Brands want to know the details in terms of metrics associated with your social influence to determine if you are the right fit for their business.

The other great tool you get with an Instagram business account is ads. As mentioned, many influencers work with brands or even run their own businesses and sell their own products.

One of the best ways to increase sales and promote a brand is to use advertising, and you can access the Instagram Ads feature with an Instagram business account and use it to promote products and sales on Instagram.

4.Write captivating captions

Producing good content will take up most of your time. But it will definitely be worth it. Because content comes first these days. On Instagram, your most important content is Captions.

The Instagram caption is the perfect place to provide value and inspiration to your audience and it is the starting point for connecting with your audiences.

5.Learn about your audiences

To be successful as an Instagram influencer, you need to know everything about your followers because, with the right and sufficient information about your audience and their tastes, you can produce content that your Instagram followers like And you encourage them to follow you and your posts, which is the content they like.

To be able to get useful information about your audience on Instagram, you can use the following methods:

Use Instagram audience analytics

knowing what your audience’s interests, desires, and struggles are will be incredibly helpful to know that you are moving in the right direction and helps you find the right kind of collaboration with the brands that your audience cares about.

Use polls on Instagram Stories

You can ask questions with polls on Instagram stories to know your audience’s tastes. Using this method is very simple for them and the bathtubs simply answer you with the push of a button.

6.Interact with your followers

Followers love it when influencers take the time to build relationships with them. And taking the time to communicate with them is essential in order to become an Instagram influencer.

Do not forget that if a follower leaves a comment for you, be sure to reply to it and if the number of your comments is so large that you can not reply to all of them, randomly select a number of them to reply and respond to them with patience. This will keep your audience engaged and willing to connect with you.

The deeper your relationship with your followers, the more loyal they will be to you and your brand.

7.Collaborate with brands

As an Instagram influencer, you can work with different brands, but do not forget that choosing the right brand for you requires attention and research on the brand’s niche, the size and popularity of the brand, and even the quality of the brand’s products.

It is better to choose a brand that fits you. Do not accept any offer from any brand because if you offer a product to your audience that is not of good quality, you will lose their confidence in yourself.

Define the brand and products that you are interested in or use their products because in this case, you can introduce those brands to your audience in a completely real and motivating way.

You can join Ainfluencer marketplace to find and connect with brands in your niche.


Becoming a good Instagram influencer and earning money from it requires your efforts and perseverance in recognizing your target audience and building a strong relationship with them, as well as connecting and collaborating with good and popular brands.

Add to that the fact that you always have to keep up to date with information about your Instagram niche and Instagram marketing tips. By following the tips in this post, you can surely become a good Instagram influencer.

