7 Instagram Marketing Tips for Beginners

5 min readNov 12, 2020


Nowadays, Instagram has become one of the biggest and most popular social media in the world. In recent years Instagram has acquired more users than each similar social media have gained in a long time.

Some fascinating statistics regarding Instagram growth and usage are 1 billion Instagram monthly users and 500 million daily Instagram Stories.

Therefore Instagram is a very important and effective medium for marketing and a lot of companies and business wants to create their Instagram business accounts for entering most attractive marketing platform in the digital marketing world.

Here, we will explore 7 simple Instagram marketing tips for promoting your Instagram business page.

Instagram marketing tips to boost your Instagram business page:

1. Importance of Instagram bio

The most fundamental entity you have on Instagram is your account. Therefore, an informative bio on your Instagram page is so vital. Specify your business information such as name, address, products, and Instagram business niche.

An informative bio helps users to know that they are in the right place.

  • Promoting your Instagram account to a business account is another useful option on Instagram. An Instagram business account offers you some useful Instagram tools to facilitate your sales process.

2.Create high-quality pictures:

Instagram is a picture-based social media and for this reason, the quality of posted pictures plays an important role in attracting Instagram users.

If you want to present your business on Instagram, it is highly recommended to improve your knowledge of photography. A professional camera is a necessity for capturing more attractive and engaging Instagram photos.

3.Influence through Instagram influencers:

The phenomenon of influencers originated from YouTube several years ago and it reached its peak on Instagram. A lot of people follow the work and content of Instagram influencers daily.

So advertising your business through Instagram influencers is important for two reasons.

First, because of their fame and popularity, Instagram influencers can make more people interested in your products. Second, followers of influencers are a good and potential target market that you can aim for.

Based on your Instagram business niche you can define the right Instagram influencers that are related to your Instagram business category.

If you are searching for the best way to finding and connecting to Instagram influencers related to your Instagram business I suggest Ainfluencer.com an easy place to collaborating Instagram brands and influencers.

4.Create Instagram Promotions:

Using occasional discounts on holidays or celebrated days may be a proper way to promote a product on Instagram. You can also choose particular rewards and discounts for your loyal customers to promote your Instagram business.

For example, an Instagram user can be rewarded with a specific discount by introducing your page to other Instagram users. Receiving these rewards raises loyalty in a customer on Instagram business.

5.Power of Instagram hashtags:

Nowadays, using hashtags to find your desires in social media has become a very popular searching method.

Many users on Instagram don’t surf Instagram pages for a particular product. Instead, they utilize Instagram hashtags related to their favorite product.

Therefore, proper deployment of hashtags with precise keywords deliver your post to a potential buyer. This arrangement is a win-win situation for you and your Instagram business customers.

6.Develop Consistent customer service for your Instagram business page:

Appropriate Instagram customer service and fast response to your Instagram business customer interactions and contacts on your page make your Instagram users feel safe about you.

Indicating complete information about your Instagram product, business, contact information, and customer service causes your credibility to rise.

The way you handle negative responses and comments on your Instagram page defines how you are seen by customers.

7.Stay updated:

Occasionally Instagram introduces new features and extends its capabilities. Employing new features to your favor and acting as a pioneer is a key aspect of qualified businesses on Instagram.

For example, when Instagram IGTV was launched in 2018, those Instagram pages that take the lead in using Instagram IGTV to their advantage gain a huge profit and leap compared to their rivals.

The maximum use of Instagram tools is very effective in expanding your Instagram business. Another good example is using Instagram’s highlighted stories to categorize your products and services that reduce customer confusion at shopping time.

By considering the mentioned hacks on Instagram, you can increase your sales smartly and easily. There are many more tips that have proven very effective for Instagram business promotion. For further information, you can follow my publications.

